认证评论 - Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
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ZhengkangZUO 2021-10-07

It has been 3 months under review. Has the original poster received any updates yet?

littlesugarsugar 2021-10-07

This magazine is quite interesting. It's the first time I've seen the editorial board publishing articles in their own magazine.

ZhengkangZUO 2021-09-28

It has been almost 4 months under review.

Weilaikeqi 2021-09-26

I made a mistake before. It should be: Submitted on July 7th, 2021, reviewed on July 15th, and rejected on August 23rd.

Weilaikeqi 2021-09-26

High-dimensional multi-objective optimization algorithm, pure algorithm. Submitted on July 7, 2021, reviewed on July 15, and rejected on July 23. Five reviewers.

KJaebye 2021-07-26

Swarm robotics problem, related to evolutionary algorithms. The reviewers are very diligent, and the questions they raised are very relevant and valuable. The article is urgently needed, but it seems that the review process is quite slow. The first review took five months, spanning over Christmas, and required major revisions. The second review took four months.

加油啊 2021-05-30

Hello! Can I please add your contact information?

加油啊 2021-05-30

Author, may I ask where to download the thesis template?

hubugeorge 2021-03-30

Has the editor ever rejected a submission without review after 3 months? Mine has also been with the editor for over a month, and I guess it's going to rot in the hands of the editor as well.

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