认证评论 - Results in Physics
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志在远方 2021-04-06

It has been a week since submission, but it is still "Submitted to Journal." What's going on??

Also, after submitting, I received an email asking for confirmation from all the authors. What should we do to confirm?

晴岚的希望 2021-04-02

Is it true? The paper was sent for review in just one day, and the reviewer's comments came back in four days? That's really fast, good luck accompanies you.

optics 皮卡丘 2021-03-24

What direction is this journal difficult or not difficult in?

晴岚的希望 2021-03-20

May I ask how long it takes for your paper to go from submission to acceptance notification?

Physics 2021-03-19

The speed is fairly normal, and the speed of peer review depends on the speed of the reviewers. The number of submissions is increasing year by year, and the impact factor is also improving. I have high hopes for this journal!

欢free 2021-01-11

Similar to me, I submitted my application two days later than you. I just received it in the past few days.

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