认证评论 - Organic Chemistry Frontiers
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xenonfby 2022-01-20

I submitted a small methodological article, perhaps just in time for the Christmas holiday. The review process took a whole month, making it the slowest review I've ever experienced for an RSC journal. The reviewer's comments were very friendly, with only a few minor revisions and one accepted directly. After submitting the revised manuscript, it took the editor 10 days to accept it. There are far fewer journals in the field of organic synthesis compared to materials science. Previously, small methodological papers in the top-tier Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) journals could be submitted to CC/OL, but now CC has moved to the second-tier, so I had to submit to OCF. Hopefully, OCF will rise to the challenge.

shzu-zy 2022-01-08

After four months of hard work, finally succeeded in writing the first article of my life. Keep it up!


The proofreading is fast. The efficiency is high.

QRR1984 2021-12-09

I submitted an article to OCF in 2020, but it was rejected without review. Later, I submitted it to Sustainable Energy & Fuels and it was published successfully. That article has been cited 19 times within a year. This is the reason why the impact factor of OCF cannot increase. They reject popular interdisciplinary articles, which is ridiculous. The impact factor of Sustainable Energy & Fuels has exceeded 6. Although they have now implemented a protective policy and classified OCF, which has a lower impact factor than SEF, as a first-tier journal, SEF, with a impact factor over 6, is now considered a third-tier journal. However, for someone like me who has already published hundreds of articles, including dozens with scores above 10 and has no shortage of projects, the journal's tier classification is meaningless. Even if my article is published in a fourth-tier journal, it will still have a significant impact. It is a big mistake to turn an organic journal into a synthetic organic chemistry journal. Organic chemistry is a central discipline, and if organic journals can grasp this point and be more open-minded, it will not be difficult for them to increase their impact.

zhengyuze 2021-09-14

OCF has an organic chemistry journal in JCR, ranked 17 out of 185. Among the 185 organic chemistry journals, it is indeed in the top 1% according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. However, there are several other journals that rank higher than OCF in the JCR organic chemistry category, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences only recognizes them as top 2% journals. After all, these journals are published by Chinese themselves, so the favoritism is obvious, and it is not very fair! These journals were only established in 2014-2015, yet some professors in universities have OCF submission requirements...

Zhu 2021-07-08

It is easy to pass within the circle, but difficult to be reviewed if you are not within the circle. With the general increase in impact factors this year, the OCF's poor 5.2 is unlikely to increase and it might even fall below 5. I heard that the editorial board wants to raise the impact factor to 6, but it is estimated to be difficult to achieve, so maintaining 5 would already be good.

Suzuki 2021-07-08

The impact factor does not increase.

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