认证评论 - Journal of Manufacturing Processes
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XingW-zy 2022-05-10

Received at Editorial Office: March 7, 2022
Article revised: April 10, 2022
Article accepted for publication: May 1, 2022

只想毕业的小羊羊 2022-05-02

May I ask how many reviewers are there?

Jack07 2022-04-30

January 8th submission;
March 23rd major revision;
April 25th minor revision;
April 29th acceptance.
In the field of mechanics, this journal is acceptable. However, the initial submission and two rounds of revisions with the editor took around 10 days each. The required reviewer process before the second minor revision lasted around 10 days, as did the pending decision period. It was quite an anxious wait. However, the outcome was good.

Autumn是我 2022-04-25

Quite lucky, submitted on March 1st, received modification suggestions in less than a month, returned for modification on April 2nd, and accepted on April 24th.

丫丫博士 2022-04-25

Rejected after 3 months of submission, the expert reviewer's prediction was sharp. Forget it, forget it, I'll submit it elsewhere.

梁子 2022-04-24

Do you have any news now, classmates?

yp-hao 2022-04-23

Do all authors of this journal need to confirm as co-authors? It has been a week since it was submitted to the journal, but there has been no response.

篇篇起舞 2022-04-22

It has been 10 days since submission, is it still "Submitted to Journal"? Is this normal?

期刊登记查询 2022-04-16

The text translates to: "The second day after submission, with the editor. Is it highly likely that it will become 'decision in process' after 10 days? Does that mean it's probably not going well?"

莹莹吖 2022-04-14

Hello, may I ask if it's normal to wait half a month for an editor? How long does it usually take for you?

zht.npu 2022-04-14

How many reviewers do you have?

Liu12322 2022-04-10

After major repairs, the admission process is still quite fast, taking less than 4 months.

dahdj 2022-03-18

under review

dahdj 2022-03-17

My work was initially assigned to the senior editor, Kapoor. However, the next day Kapoor assigned the deputy editor, Murphy. Then, it has been 40 days with the editor and no changes. I sent an email and got a reply from the support team. I guess my work has been delayed...

投稿中 2022-03-17

Which editor's email can be seen by the corresponding author? Has your submission been sent for review for these two months?

zht.npu 2022-03-17

How to see which editor is handling it?

hpuking 2022-03-16

Hello, why would you send it to the editor first? How could the editor possibly read the paper privately? Does the original poster know the editor? Seeking guidance from experts. Thank you.

hpuking 2022-03-16

Hello, which editor handled your paper? How long did it take with the editor?

zht.npu 2022-03-14

"My under review has been ongoing for two months..."

Dreamuser 2022-03-09

Posted on October 15, 2021, revised on January 13, 2022;
Revision submitted on January 30, 2022;
Decision in process on March 5, 2022, accepted on the 9th.
Overall, the reviewers were relatively objective, and the review process was relatively short.

江山iv 2022-03-08

The reviewer is very objective. It is a relatively good journal with increasing influence every year and is expected to catch up with JMPT.

fyj94510 2022-02-22

I think it's possible for both situations. It feels like they are looking for reviewers.

dahdj 2022-02-22

May I ask which step we are currently at? I have also been with the editor for 10 days.

dahdj 2022-02-21

Excuse me, may I ask, the second day after submission, it was "with editor," and it has been ten days without any changes. The associate editor is Professor A.B. Murphy. In this situation, does it mean that the assigned associate editor has not reviewed it yet, or that they have not found reviewers?

心语拼搏 2022-02-05

The review process was fast, but it's been almost a month since acceptance and I still haven't received the proof. What could be the situation?

笑忘书 2022-01-29

I replied to Wan18, let me repeat here: I tried it out, and it seems that the submission system of this editorial manager recognizes file types. If you upload a PDF file, it will automatically not appear as a manuscript type because the usual format for review is an editable Word document. Try changing it to a Word file, and it will automatically appear and be recognized as a manuscript type. PDF files will only show other options.

笑忘书 2022-01-29

I tried it out, and it seems that the submission system of this editorial manager can recognize file types. If a PDF file is uploaded, the manuscript type will not automatically appear. This is because the main text of the review is usually a Word document that can be edited. If you try changing it to a Word file, the system will automatically display and recognize it as a manuscript type. PDF files can only be seen as other types.

<b>PDF format test, can only see other item types:</b>
<a href="/images/comment_center/faq/jmp-submission-1.png" target="_blank"><img width="300" src="/images/comment_center/faq/jmp-submission-1.png"></a>

<b>DOCX format test, automatically recognized as a manuscript item type:</b>
<a href="/images/comment_center/faq/jmp-submission-2.png" target="_blank"><img width="300" src="/images/comment_center/faq/jmp-submission-2.png"></a>

Wan18 2022-01-29

Hey guys, after uploading the manuscript, the item option cannot be recognized. How can we solve this issue?

Wan18 2022-01-29

May I ask how you resolved that problem? I have also encountered the same issue.

nkwam 2022-01-25

I also initially selected "manuscript," but after uploading, the system still prompted me to select an "item," and the candidate list did not include the option of "manuscript."

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