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Rewriting the Genome for Health: From Bench to Biotech


Rewriting the Genome for Health: From Bench to Biotech

Dr. Kathiresan discusses his path from professor and cardiologist at Harvard Medical School to the co-founder and chief executive officer of Verve Therapeutics.

Understanding the AI Development Pipeline in Health Care


Understanding the AI Development Pipeline in Health Care

An exploration of these critical AI issues through case studies. This webinar provides a framework to help leaders understand how AI can help their organizations create and capture value in health care.

AI and the Future of Breast Cancer Detection and Risk Prediction


AI and the Future of Breast Cancer Detection and Risk Prediction

Dr. Constance Lehman, Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and head of Breast Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital explores the application of AI to improve prediction of future risk of breast cancer based on mammography alone, including validation trials in multi-ethnic populations...

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