

Nucleotide analysis and prevalence of Escherichia coli isolated from feces of some captive avian species

Nucleotide analysis and prevalence of Escherichia coli isolated from feces of some captive avian species

Published: June 26, 2023
Nimra Khalid, Syed Mohsin Bukhari, Mohammad Y. Alshahrani et al.
Applications of detonation nanodiamonds in the design of sensor composites and biosensors

Applications of detonation nanodiamonds in the design of sensor composites and biosensors

Published: June 26, 2023
Nikita Ronzhin, Ekaterina Posokhina, Alexey Baron et al.
Angiopoietin-like 4 dictates the day-night rhythm of metabolic brown adipose tissue activity

Angiopoietin-like 4 dictates the day-night rhythm of metabolic brown adipose tissue activity

Published: June 24, 2023
Robin Van Eenige, Wietse In Het Panhuis, Milena Schönke et al.
Characterization of color and composition in chert for grouping and comparison

Characterization of color and composition in chert for grouping and comparison

Published: June 22, 2023
María De Uribe-Zorita, Pedro Álvarez- Lloret, Silvia Bottura et al.
Chemical activation of Piezo1 to enhance TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in glioblastoma cells

Chemical activation of Piezo1 to enhance TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in glioblastoma cells

Published: June 22, 2023
Samantha Knoblauch, Shanay Desai, Jenna Dombroski et al.
Overcoming remote leadership Challenges: Lessons learned from Covid-19

Overcoming remote leadership Challenges: Lessons learned from Covid-19

Published: June 22, 2023
Daniel Mandel Gandrita, Ana Gandrita, David Rosado

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