4.8 Article

Optical Aptasensors for the Analysis of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)


Volume 84, Issue 14, Pages 6192-6198


DOI: 10.1021/ac3011473




  1. EU
  2. Israel-Taiwan Research Cooperation
  3. Israel Ministry of Science and Technology
  4. Taiwan National Science Council [NSC 99-2923-M-002-008-MY2]

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The vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF, is an important biomarker for different diseases and clinical disorders. We present a series of optical aptasensor-based sensing platforms for VEGF that include the following: (i) A FRET-based sensor that involves the VEGF-induced separation of aptamer-functionalized quantum dots blocked by a quencher nucleic acid (detection limit 1 nM). (ii) A FRET-based sensor based on the VEGF-induced assembly of the aptamer subunits functionalized with QDs and a dye acceptor (Cy5), respectively (detection limit 12 nM). (iii) A chemiluminescence aptasensor based on VEGF-induced assembly of a heznin/G-quadruplex catalyst (detection limit 18 nM). (iv) A chemiluminescence aptasensor based on the VEGF-stimulated assembly of two aptamer subunits into the hemin/G-quadruplex catalyst (detection limit 2.6 nM). (v) A chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer (CRET) aptasensor based on the VEGF-induced assembly of a semiconductor QDs-hemin/G-quadruplex supramolecular structure (detection limit 875 pM). Furthermore, an amplified optical aptasensor system based on the Exonuclease III (Exo III) recycling of the VEGF analyte was developed. In this system, one aptamer subunit is modified at its 5' and 3' ends with QDs and a black hole quencher, respectively. The VEGF-induced self assembly of the aptamer subunits result in the digestion of the quencher units and the autonomous recycling of the analyte, while triggering on the luminescence of the QDs (detection limit 5 pM). The system was implemented to analyze VEGF in human sera samples.


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