4.7 Article

Characterisation of the complete mitochondrial genome of Taraxacum mongolicum revealed five repeat-mediated recombinations


Volume -, Issue -, Pages -


DOI: 10.1007/s00299-023-02994-y


Mitochondrial genome; Repeat-mediated recombination; Mitochondrial plastid DNAs; RNA editing


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We reported the first mitochondrial genome of Taraxacum mongolicum, in which five pairs of repetitive sequences were validated to mediate recombination, resulting in multiple conformations of the genome. This genome can provide crucial information for molecular breeding of T. mongolicum and serve as a reference genome for other species of the genus Taraxacum.
Key messageWe reported the mitochondrial genome of Taraxacum mongolicum for the first time. Five pairs of repeats that can mediate recombination were validated, leading to multiple conformations of genome.Taraxacum mongolicum belongs to the Asteraceae family and has important pharmaceutical value. To explore the possible interaction between the organelle genomes, we assembled the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of T. mongolicum using Illumina and Oxford Nanopore sequencing data. This genome corresponded to a circular molecule 304,467 bp long. It encodes 52 unique genes including 31 protein-coding, 3 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 18 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. In addition to the single circular conformation, the existence of alternative conformations mediated by five repetitive sequences in the mitogenome was identified and validated. Recombination mediated by the inverted repeats resulted in two conformations. Conversely, recombination mediated by the two direct repeats broke one large circular molecule into two subgenomic circular molecules. Furthermore, we identified 12 homologous fragments by comparing the sequences of mitogenome and plastome, including eight complete tRNA genes. Lastly, we identified a total of 278 RNA-editing sites in protein-coding sequences based on RNA-seq data. Among them, cox1 and nad5 gene has the most sites (21), followed by the nad2 gene with 19 sites. We successfully validated 213 predicted RNA-editing sites using PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. This project reported the first mitogenome of T. mongolicum and demonstrated its multiple conformations generated by repeat-mediated recombination. This genome could provide critical information for the molecular breeding of T. mongolicum, and also be used as a reference genome for other species of the genus Taraxacum.


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