4.6 Review

Gene body methylation in cancer: molecular mechanisms and clinical applications


Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages -


DOI: 10.1186/s13148-022-01382-9


Epigenetics; Gene body methylation; Histone methylation; Transcription regulation; Cancer


  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China [81572783, 81974438, 82173069]

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This review focuses on the formation of gene body methylation patterns, its regulation of transcription, and its relationship with tumors, providing clues to explore the mechanism of gene body methylation in regulating gene transcription and its significance and application in the field of oncology.
DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism that regulates gene expression. To date, most DNA methylation studies have focussed on CpG islands in the gene promoter region, and the mechanism of methylation and the regulation of gene expression after methylation have been clearly elucidated. However, genome-wide methylation studies have shown that DNA methylation is widespread not only in promoters but also in gene bodies. Gene body methylation is widely involved in the expression regulation of many genes and is closely related to the occurrence and progression of malignant tumours. This review focusses on the formation of gene body methylation patterns, its regulation of transcription, and its relationship with tumours, providing clues to explore the mechanism of gene body methylation in regulating gene transcription and its significance and application in the field of oncology.


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