4.8 Article

Neuroprosthesis for Decoding Speech in a Paralyzed Person with Anarthria


Volume 385, Issue 3, Pages 217-227


DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2027540



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This study successfully decoded words and sentences directly from cortical activity during attempted speech in a patient with anarthria and spastic quadriparesis using deep-learning models and a natural-language model, showing potential for improving communication in paralyzed individuals.
Background Technology to restore the ability to communicate in paralyzed persons who cannot speak has the potential to improve autonomy and quality of life. An approach that decodes words and sentences directly from the cerebral cortical activity of such patients may represent an advancement over existing methods for assisted communication. Methods We implanted a subdural, high-density, multielectrode array over the area of the sensorimotor cortex that controls speech in a person with anarthria (the loss of the ability to articulate speech) and spastic quadriparesis caused by a brain-stem stroke. Over the course of 48 sessions, we recorded 22 hours of cortical activity while the participant attempted to say individual words from a vocabulary set of 50 words. We used deep-learning algorithms to create computational models for the detection and classification of words from patterns in the recorded cortical activity. We applied these computational models, as well as a natural-language model that yielded next-word probabilities given the preceding words in a sequence, to decode full sentences as the participant attempted to say them. Results We decoded sentences from the participant's cortical activity in real time at a median rate of 15.2 words per minute, with a median word error rate of 25.6%. In post hoc analyses, we detected 98% of the attempts by the participant to produce individual words, and we classified words with 47.1% accuracy using cortical signals that were stable throughout the 81-week study period. Conclusions In a person with anarthria and spastic quadriparesis caused by a brain-stem stroke, words and sentences were decoded directly from cortical activity during attempted speech with the use of deep-learning models and a natural-language model. (Funded by Facebook and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT03698149.) Detecting Speech in a Paralyzed Person with Anarthria In a person with anarthria and spastic quadriparesis caused by a brain-stem stroke, signals from the cortical speech area were processed with signal analysis and a natural-language model. It was possible to decode words and sentences with high accuracy when the patient attempted to produce language.


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