4.7 Review

Molecular Regulatory Networks for Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice



DOI: 10.3390/ijms22169040


nitrogen use efficiency (NUE); absorption and transport; assimilation; nitrate; ammonium; transporter; quantitative trait locus (QTL); hormone; rice (Oryza sativa L; )


  1. National Natural Science Foundation China [31902103,32061143039]

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Nitrogen is a crucial factor for rice growth, but excessive use can lead to water eutrophication and economic costs. Enhancing nitrogen absorption, transport, metabolism, and redistribution processes is essential for improving rice nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), with the role of hormones also playing a significant part in this improvement.
Nitrogen is an important factor limiting the growth and yield of rice. However, the excessive application of nitrogen will lead to water eutrophication and economic costs. To create rice varieties with high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) has always been an arduous task in rice breeding. The processes for improving NUE include nitrogen uptake, nitrogen transport from root to shoot, nitrogen assimilation, and nitrogen redistribution, with each step being indispensable to the improvement of NUE. Here, we summarize the effects of absorption, transport, and metabolism of nitrate, ammonium, and amino acids on NUE, as well as the role of hormones in improving rice NUE. Our discussion provide insight for further research in the future.


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