Volume 20, Issue 12, Pages -Publisher
DOI: 10.3390/s20123512
energy harvesting; piezoelectric materials; piezoelectric transducer types; modeling; frequency response; energy harvesting electronic circuits; SPICE simulation
- Romanian Ministery of Research and Innovation [10PFE/16.10.2018]
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The goal of this paper is to review current methods of energy harvesting, while focusing on piezoelectric energy harvesting. The piezoelectric energy harvesting technique is based on the materials' property of generating an electric field when a mechanical force is applied. This phenomenon is known as the direct piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectric transducers can be of different shapes and materials, making them suitable for a multitude of applications. To optimize the use of piezoelectric devices in applications, a model is needed to observe the behavior in the time and frequency domain. In addition to different aspects of piezoelectric modeling, this paper also presents several circuits used to maximize the energy harvested.
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