Get Published: Accelerate the Peer Review Process


Nov 05, 2021 08:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Switch Time Zone
Dr. Clark Holdsworth

Senior Manager, Communications & Partnerships (LetPub)

Dr. Holdsworth oversees communications projects and partnerships at LetPub. LetPub has thousands of interactions with authors and journals annually. Dr. Holdsworth and the Learning Nexus Team filter these experiences into an intuitive and effective educational experience for authors and journal editors.

Dr. Avriel Licciardi

Research Communications Strategist (@LetPub)

Dr. Licciardi provides project management of LetPub's scientific editing author services, as well as assistance in business development, brand building, and international media. Dr. Licciardi's direct interaction with authors and publishers yields insights that she filters into a comprehensive learning experience for the LetPub Learning Nexus community.

Streamlining peer review and achieving rapid publication not only accelerate the dissemination of scientific findings, but also decrease the likelihood of being scooped, and allow for a quicker return to your next research project or funding proposal.

So, are you ready to publish your research faster? Learn how to accelerate the publication of your manuscript by joining your 2021 LetPub Webinar Series hosts, Dr. Avriel Licciardi and Dr. Clark Holdsworth, in this month’s educational webinar.

This webinar includes an extensive Q&A with your hosts and a follow-up discussion on Peeref. Certificates of participation will be provided for all attendees.

Don’t miss out—register today to view this webinar on-demand at a time that works for your schedule.
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