Patrick Kudlacek

United States na


Commented on Is gardening associated with greater happiness of urban residents? A multi-activity, dynamic assessment in the Twin-Cities region, USA
Tough variables to quantify and study. Their results make sense. I wonder about the higher rating for vegetable gardeners vs the more floral gardeners. I do believe that vegetable gardeners have a bit of a competition going and not only enjoy the vegetables but also want to beat their friends. Flower gardeners however get to enjoy the blossoms and the colors for as long as they last. I enjoy both however the rabbits and raccoons have stolen some of the goodies and joys of my garden vegetables.


Commented on Native American gene flow into Polynesia predating Easter Island settlement
Very interesting to think Americans could inhabit Easter Island. I bet the adventurers never dreamed the act of proliferation would leave permanent evidence of their existence.


Commented on Running on uneven ground: Leg adjustments to altered ground level
Since evolving man first stood and moved on two feet, the combination of visual, tactile, and muscle response to adjust to uneven ground helped to advance the species. I was amazed at the precision these types of measurements can be made.


Commented on Regeneration lessons from the axolotl
Unlocking the key to regeneration will provide a wealth of knowledge to help people and animals. I never though of "dedifferentiation" as necessary for regeneration but yes, that makes sense. The differentiated cells need to be reprogramed from their initial state. Very interesting study.


Commented on Scientists’ warning on affluence
I am encouraged by the diversion of the CO2 levels from the affluence. It gives me hope that we may yet solve the CO2 problems before we fry the planet. Yes, with affluence, comes more of everything. Resolving that with the limited everything on the planet is the key issue. Changing the minds of the inhabitants is key.


Commented on Artificial eyespots on cattle reduce predation by large carnivores
Brilliant! I applaud a complex problem such as getting eaten by a lion, is overcome with a simple idea generated from knowledge of lion behavior. Just shows that complexity is not always your answer.


Commented on Sequential LASER ART and CRISPR Treatments Eliminate HIV-1 in a Subset of Infected Humanized Mice
Engrafted human cells in a mouse is a novel approach bringing it's own issues. Although the elimination of HIV's presence in the genome is quite a feat of itself, it is a large step towards gene editing. Fantastic work on such a huge project. My questions all the way through the reading is it necessary to remove HIV from the genome or is it adequate to just suppress the expression?


Commented on Susceptibility of ferrets, cats, dogs, and other domesticated animals to SARS–coronavirus 2
Vital to know the path these viruses take to transmit from species to species. This type of information should enable us to further understand the transmission of viruses and hopefully limit it.


Commented on Contract cheating will erode trust in science
Everyone knows cheating is negatively affecting research. It is a quick resolution to a challenge which does not serve the individual for the long haul. Funding for research is always tight. Wasting funds that are that scarce is criminal. As a biotech manager, hiring a person who hasn't faced research challenges successfully in the academic career, is difficult at best. Simply a waste of time.


Commented on Adaptive responses of animals to climate change are most likely insufficient
Truly a giant task to put together all that information. History is riddled with climatic change and evolution. We need to know more so that the human species is not whittled out of existence.


Commented on Risks of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in meat eaters, fish eaters, and vegetarians over 18 years of follow-up: results from the prospective EPIC-Oxford study
Excellent study and great results. You don't find these long-term studies often. Now I want to dig into the details of the vegetarian and meat diets for further data.


Fascinating articles! Since I use cytometry in my research and imagery is vital, I want to keep up on imagery research and understand how to enhance my work. It may be some work to comprehend some of the physical properties, but very exciting.


Commented on The Effect of Texture on Perceived Memory Color Quality
Imaging plays a greater and greater role in science and something to fully understand further. With the transmission of images via the internet, and the use of these varied images for analysis, we need to understand how the computer detracts or can add to the analysis and precision. Looking forward to reading and understanding more of these issues.


Commented on Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing
Wonderful concept, makes me want to spend more time in nature. As you stated, so much more to do. Although there is a lot to do with the physical activity relationship to health status, so much is done inside today, how about recreating an artificial environment and compare. Possibly taking out variables and testing the effect. Then it moves into what physiological factors are causing the sense of wellness?


Commented on A new preservation solution for lung transplantation: Evaluation in a porcine transplantation model
Enjoyed the article very much. Transplantation is playing a larger and larger role in the medical community and the preservation of such vital tissue/organs the first order of business. Any issues when dealing with other animal tissue?