Wai Lo

United States UConn


Commented on Antibody specificity and promiscuity
This review explores the balance between antibody specificity and promiscuity, the structural adaptations enabling this behavior, and the implications of rapid antigen evolution and molecular mimicry.


Commented on The chemical diversity of RNA modifications
Interesting review. Over 150 RNA modifications exist, impacting various RNAs and playing crucial roles in biological processes like stem cell differentiation. These modifications are dynamically regulated by specific enzymes and their dysregulation can lead to diseases, including cancer. This review delves into the chemical and biological roles of these modifications in RNA species.


Commented on Mechanisms of lipid droplet biogenesis
Lipid droplets (LDs) are organelles found in the cytoplasm of most organisms, including animals, plants, and microorganisms, where they store nonbilayer-forming lipids such as triacylglycerols and steryl esters. These LDs are typically derived from the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes through a budding process that varies across species due to the use of distinct, sometimes unique, LD-packaging proteins, highlighting the complex and diverse mechanisms of LD biogenesis.


Commented on The growth of amyloid fibrils: rates and mechanisms
Amyloid fibrils are β-sheet-rich protein polymers involved in various human disorders but also play beneficial roles in biological systems due to their unique structural properties. This article reviews in vitro studies on amyloid fibril growth, comparing their elongation kinetics to other protein polymers and summarizing experimental data on factors affecting their growth rates.


Commented on STING induces LC3B lipidation onto single-membrane vesicles via the V-ATPase and ATG16L1-WD40 domain
Upon detecting viral or bacterial DNA, mammalian cells activate the cGAS-STING pathway, triggering interferon β expression and initiating innate immune defenses. This pathway also promotes an unconventional LC3B lipidation on single-membrane perinuclear vesicles, a process mediated by ATG16L1 that bypasses traditional autophagy mechanisms and is inhibited by both bafilomycin A1 and the bacterial effector SopF, highlighting a unique host defense mechanism against infections.


Commented on SuperPlots: Communicating reproducibility and variability in cell biology
P values and error bars help readers infer whether a reported difference would likely recur, with the sample size n used for statistical tests representing biological replicates, independent measurements of the population from separate experiments.


Commented on Wapl releases Scc1-cohesin and regulates chromosome structure and segregation in mouse oocytes
Cohesin, crucial for genome folding and inheritance, operates differently in mammalian oocytes where Rec8-cohesin mediates cohesion, with Scc1-cohesin's role unclear despite its presence. Research reveals Wapl's essential role in meiosis I chromosome segregation by primarily releasing Scc1-cohesin and facilitating euploid egg production, while also highlighting Scc1's necessity for chromosome organization, with Wapl depletion leading to abnormal chromosomal structures.


Commented on An intrinsic compartmentalization code for peripheral membrane proteins in photoreceptor neurons
Peripheral membrane proteins in neurons, key for information transfer and transduction, are compartmentalized through unknown mechanisms; this study used probes with lipidation motifs and differently charged linkers expressed in Xenopus rod photoreceptors to investigate. Live imaging revealed variations in probe distribution based on lipid and charge, challenging previous ciliary enrichment models by demonstrating weak membrane binding and diffusion without needing chaperone proteins, suggesting a leaky cilium barrier facilitates a recycling enrichment process.


Commented on Translational Behavioral Medicine
This journal is longer published by Springer Nature. It has been transferred to other publisher -Oxford Academic.


This journal is no lonfer published by Springer Nature. It is currently published by the Institute of Experimental Botany.


This journal is no longer published by Spirnger Narure. It is currently published by the Institute of Experimental Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.


This journal is no longer published by Springer Nature. The journal has been transferred to SAGE.


Commented on Mitochondrial translation and dynamics synergistically extend lifespan in C. elegans through HLH-30
Interesting article published in JCB. Research revealed that modifying mitochondrial dynamics—either by blocking fission or fusion—enhances this lifespan extension, independently of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response, and instead relies crucially on the transcription factor HLH-30/TFEB, highlighting a complex interplay between mitochondrial and lysosomal pathways in aging regulation.


Commented on Different lineage contexts direct common pro-neural factors to specify distinct retinal cell subtypes
Great article published in JCB. They revealed the importance of lineage context in defining neuronal subtypes and provide a demonstration of in vivo lineage-dependent induction of unique retinal neuron subtypes for treatment purposes.


Commented on CDK4/6 regulate lysosome biogenesis through TFEB/TFE3
Cyclin-dependent kinases CDK4/6 are shown to regulate lysosome numbers and biogenesis during the cell cycle, as their inactivation increases lysosomal counts by activating transcription factors TFEB and TFE3. These kinases interact with and phosphorylate TFEB/TFE3, controlling their location and activity, and affecting lysosome biogenesis by linking to the phases of the cell cycle, suggesting a new mechanism for managing lysosomal adaptation during cell division.